Anything you need to know about dieting. This is a blog that gather together every tips you need to know about achieving your goal. Whether it is to lose weight, get leaner, or even to build muscle. Just cutting out the amount of food is not enough, you need to know how, when, what to eat. My own experience tells me that the more you know, the better the result. Well, hope this helps...

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Dangers of Sushi - What Are the Dangers and Risks of Eating Sushi?

By Jessica D Dale

It's funny to think of how sushi is constantly portrayed as a healthy food by many people. Yet in reality although it may not have gone through the cooking processes to create trans fat or destroy its nutrition it does come with many other risks as I'll explain. Find out the exact dangers of sushi and why you should be concerned about them.

What are the risks of eating sushi?

Parasites: These organisms are well known to exist in just about any life form they can extract nutrients out of. Fish are no exception! Most times you won't actually notice the effects of a parasite until enough time has passed for it to cause health problems for you. As the entire purpose of a parasite is to remain hidden and not detected, many of the symptoms it can cause you wouldn't even think of such as emotional and mental problems, worsened allergies and asthma amongst other things. Of course they also cause many digestive problems. Simply put sushi is never safe from parasites, in fact were you aware the real reason wasabi is recommended with sushi is because it kills parasites and some bacteria found on sushi, so at the very least make sure to eat lots of wasabit with your sushi. Avoid the ginger however as most of it contains aspartame, bet you didn't know that!

Heavy Metals: Fish are easily the #1 worst food to eat in terms of heavy metals. Some studies have found heavy metal levels so high that consuming some fish more often than once per month can cause significant toxicity. Mercury, lead and aluminum are but a few of the major contaminants. Symptoms can include physical, mental and emotional problems just like parasites such as chronic fatigue, depression and a difficulty concentrating. Immune suppression is very common which can lead to a host of other problems down the road including cancer.

Bacteria: If it wasn't bad enough already you then have the bacteria which are responsible for the more acute symptoms of food poisoning people experience on occasion from eating raw food such as sushi. Salmonella is but one example of many. It's one of the most commonly experienced dangers of sushi. What most people do not realize is that often who are most susceptible to being affected by bad bacteria also suffer from another fungus in their body known as candida.

Candida is in approximately 90% of the population and those who suffer from either parasites, heavy metals or a chronic bacterial infection are at the greatest risk of suffering from it. So even if you end up doing a parasite cleanse you now have the job of clearing out candida from your body. It causes a greater amount of symptoms than all the risk factors above combined and next to heavy metals can be one of the most difficult to completely eliminate unless a proper plan of action is following. First though you should take a candida test to see if any symptoms you experience from day to day are major signs of candida.

Want to know if YOU have Candida? Take our FREE Candida Test and also Find out How to Cure Candida.

How and Why These Weight Loss Diet Tips Work

By Jon Wong

I tell the clients doing personal training in Singapore with me, that their weight loss diet plan is, in most regards even harder to stick to than training.

Training is 4-6 times per week for 30 min to 90 min. That is only a fraction of your life. However, eating right is a constant battle since you should be eating often.

The happy thought is that once preparation of food becomes a lifestyle, eating right is no longer a burden at all. That's when you know that your weight loss diet plan is in full swing.

As a personal trainer in Singapore (which is a food crazy county!), I love cooking for myself (I don't love doing dishes but it's a necessary evil, and having home cooked food is worth the trouble) and once you do it, there is no turning back.

In fact I find myself having less and less cravings for poor food choices (Making it even easier to stick to the weight loss diet plan). In addition, when you eat well you are "fine tuning" your car (body) to like and accept only the top quality fuels.

Your taste preferences change and you reap the benefit of the improved fuel choices in your weight loss diet plan. Once you notice these benefits - health, fat loss, improved energy, no drowsy periods of the day etc, there is no turning back. The common "journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step" saying really does apply to dietary change.

Here is my "Singapore personal trainer tip-sheet" to getting that weight loss diet plan up and running.

Tip 1: Animal eating and other good protein sources - get some of these every meal the benefits of protein are just great!

Tip 2: Timing is important especially for starchy carbohydrates. Only in the morning and after training are these starches put to good use. If you are a former fat boy like myself I wouldn't even eat them in the morning.

Tip 3: Plan and prepare. This applies to cooking and shopping and even dining out. There is almost no way to consistently succeed in eating the right thing if you don't prepare. I know that I eat poorer not because of desire for junk food, but because situations that I was not prepared for came up and interfered with my eating plan. When dining out, feel free to ask for modified foods on the menu. E.g. "I'll have my steak with no fries, but replace them with more grilled vegetables."

Tip 4: You don't need to be perfect, but you do need to be very, very good. Perfection is impossible and also unnecessary. Plan (yup there is that "p" word again) a few imperfect meals each week, time with family, friends and even a scoop of ice cream. No need to be a social outcast just because you want to be healthy. But the remainder of the time, be ruthlessly excellent with your eating.

Tip 5: Cut out non-water drinks. One of the easiest and most powerful habits to implement. Drink calories come from High fructose corn syrup or white sugar, you can pile up the badness really quick and without knowing - it's scary. Ok fine, a black coffee in the morning, and some unsweetened herbal drinks/teas are ok.

Tip 6: If you are hungry, eat something. This means eating often - like every 2-3 hours. Don't fall into the "I'll get fit by starving" foolishness, or the "I'm busy, food doesn't matter" misconception (My experience as a personal trainer in Singapore tell me that these misconceptions are pretty widespread).

The former is just malnutrition waiting to happen, and the latter can be "planned away" so it doesn't occur. A missed meal is as bad for you as an unhealthy meal. Your many meals each day don't need to be fancy affairs. A cup of low fat yogurt and a handful of nuts is a good "meal" that can take you from mid-morning till lunch in a healthy way.

Coach Jonathan Wong, is a sought after Singapore personal trainer and performance expert who has helped hundreds of clients in Singapore from regular folk to national level athletes achieve their fitness, fat loss and sports performance goals regardless of starting age, fitness level or experience.

He Is also a fitness author and a member of Singapore Men's Health Advisory Panel. Visit his website for a free 1500 page e-book, blog, newsletter and constant updates.